Were greed and capitalism?

Greed and capitalism, are those the motor of the modern society? We may say it is not but, being completely honest I cannot denied this statement. As part of the "modern" society and recognising the point in history where I live, I only know capitalism. I have never been part of a world where capitalism is not the main political, economical or philosophical ethos; hence the values, moral, ethics I have learnt are those of capitalism.

It is true that greed is an important motor to progress. Is through it that people work; we want things, we get money, we work, we get those things, we want more therfore we keep working to get more money. In this case greed is what keep this symbiotic relationship but, can we attribute the whole triumph to this two factor? Can we say that greed is a good moral? Can we promote greed into the society so we could get better and faster achievements? Not sure if someone or me can answer this. Mainly because it is true that during capitalism era we have been able to build, "progress" and administrate nature, however we haven't been able to extend this reality to the whole planet. 

Surely, it is greed & capitalism what pushes the big pharmaceutical business to get the patent of a vaccine. Also it is greed & capitalism what keeps sweatshops open in poor countries, it is greed and capitalism what keeps big companies trying to break small business owners, so they can get hands on their market, it is greed in capitalism what create monopolies.

Summarising; it is obvious that greed can play a part in capitalism. But it is not the only force moving this world. I'm not sure that this big companies could have created this vaccine without the help of the state, I doubt that the UK government (where they ordered and paid helping the process) did this with greed as motivation. I don't think those scientists where thinking how much they would earn, whilst working on the way to defeat this virus, or those NHS workers where counting the hour dreaming of how much money they would made after this situation ends. Basically greed and capitalism is in the mind of those who belive that humans are no more than a number, or that society is only about economics. 

But if in case that greed and capitalism was the motivation. Shouldn't we all be more greedy and capitalistic then? Should we let money define our human experience and interaction?... I hope not, I have never like money that much, yet I need it. I don't know how to live without it.


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