So... what's next?

I'm scared. this big blue marvelous planet, capable to overcome most of the biggest threats to liberty, equality and fraternity, is been attacked by nature.

We are the most corrosive specie alive, our development is taking us to the edge, we have taken everything that nature does and turned toxic. All this in less than a century.

We have created institutions and systems that may harm environment forever. We; the "most" intelligent specie, have destroyed more than created. We have done more harm that any other specie.

I hopefully believed that we can overcome. I refuse to believe that human must to persist, I know the common sence it is part of our existence therein our freedom. It's on our hand the future of this.

I commit myself to not have for granted existence.
I promise not longer taking decisions  base on my selfish ground, not taking advantage, respect nature and protect it for future generations, listen to them and teach respect not fear, believe that we may not like each other, but surely we can work.

Basically what we all have learned through our common history, how awesome we are. As my personal heroe said : "you have you must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame; how could you rise anew if you have not first become ashes?" Then you learn, here at the bottom of this tragedy. 

"once you are awake, you shall remain awake eternally." (Nietzsche, Thus spoke Zarathustra both)


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