Mapuche's myth of Origin.

Endeless rains ago, "Ngenechén" (god), was the only living precence in the world he lived in the sky above us, one day he decided to create life and not to be alone, so from his open hands he threw a creature to earth, he called him "Lituche"(son).

It was thrown with such a strength that he ended injured, his mother "Kuyén" (moon) desperated opened a window in the sky, and delicately she watch her son sleep, and take care of him during night; Ngenechén saw this and wanted too opening a window, "Antù" (Sun), his mission from then on is to warm and cheer life; so that is why every living thing rise, greet, love and respect to father Sun.

In the earth Lituche felt overwhelmingly alone, in sadness he ask to Ngenechén; Father why am I alone?

The father in horrible pain heard his sun, and from the sky he delicated drop down to earth a creature named "Domo" (woman), this creature was amazingly beautiful and delicate. She was naked and cold so she decide to walk and warn herself up; on her steps the earth grow weeds and flowers therefore her soles wouldn't get damage, when she opened her mouth butterflies and birds scape, now the nature has a melody and Lituche is among.

Domo saw Lituche and she said: -you are very handsome, how should I call you?. Lituche the first man, he replied. I am Domo, the first woman, and we are going to make life blossom loving each other -she said-. That is how we are going fill the empty spaces on earth -Lituche said.

While they were building their first "Ruka" (home), new spirits appeared in the sky, they ran and screamed and Lituche and Domo got scared.

Lituche learn that from Pewen seeds he could eat, making bread and flour; Domo took wool from a sheep and rubbing it between her hands she could do a thread, then grabbing 4 pieces of wood, using roots and herbs to add colours and made their weaves, soon life was all around Mapu (the earth).

When the earth was full of Lituche and Domo's children, there was a big clash, "Kai-Kai" The sea serpent pulled his waters up, on earth the mountains start to rise into the sky "Tren-Tren" the serpent of earth wanted to protect people from Kai-Kai rage, people had to climb and get close to the Sun; his light made them use board above their head to cover themself and where they put food.

When the war against Kai-Kai and Tren-Tren finished, there where ones who got caught by the sea and they turn into seals and fish, those who survive on earth came down the mountains and where called, Mapuche (Mapu = Earth, Che = man)


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